Book Summary

the house of the seven gables

Hepzibah is a rigid old woman, set in her ways, which Hawthorne describes by mentioning the stiffness of her silk skirt. She is like an old dress, stored in a suitcase filled with mothballs. When she finally opens the door to her room to go downstairs, she releases a deep sigh, which Hawthorne likens to "a gust of chill, damp wind out of a long-closed vault."

As The House of the Seven Gables celebrates its 350th, research reveals continuing story of its past - Eagle-Tribune

As The House of the Seven Gables celebrates its 350th, research reveals continuing story of its past.

Posted: Thu, 05 Apr 2018 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Clifford’s Chamber

His nephew (Clifford) is accused, tried, and convicted of the murder and is sentenced to life imprisonment. Jaffrey Pyncheon (the elder) believed that Matthew Maule was wrongly robbed of his land and put to death and intended to make restitution to the Maule descendents. Following Clifford's incarceration, Jaffrey Pyncheon's other nephew (Judge Jaffrey Pyncheon) inherits the dead man's wealth.


As events unfold, the family encounters bloody secrets and sins in their ancestors' history. This is an unabridged version of American author Nathaniel Hawthorne's romance novel, first published in 1851. … Although Hawthorne's introductory essay to The Scarlet Letter was written after he completed the romance, besides being an engaging personal essay and a consummate display of his talents as humorist and satirist, it has two important links to the romance.

Governor Pyncheon

—few sights withtruer pathos in them, than Hepzibah presented on that first afternoon. After this incident, Hepzibah retreated to the back parlor, where she at firstcaught up a half-finished stocking, and began knitting at it with nervous andirregular jerks; but quickly finding herself at odds with the stitches, shethrew it aside, and walked hurriedly about the room. At length she pausedbefore the portrait of the stern old Puritan, her ancestor, and the founder ofthe house.

The idea ofterrible energy thus forced upon him was new at every recurrence, and seemed toaffect him as disagreeably, and with almost as much surprise, the hundredthtime as the first. There was something very beautiful in the relation that grew up between thispair, so closely and constantly linked together, yet with such a waste ofgloomy and mysterious years from his birthday to hers. On Clifford’s partit was the feeling of a man naturally endowed with the liveliest sensibility tofeminine influence, but who had never quaffed the cup of passionate love, andknew that it was now too late.

The House of the Seven Gables: Characters

Wheaton Mansion On The Move - CBS Chicago

Wheaton Mansion On The Move.

Posted: Tue, 29 Aug 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

He is instead a man of integrity who argues that individuals have the power to direct and create their own future. In these instances, the behavior expected from old Jaffrey Pyncheon and Holgrave runs counter to that of their ancestors. In another interesting reversal, Hepzibah changes her opinion both of the aristocratic and lower classes.

the house of the seven gables

Judge Pyncheon’s son

the house of the seven gables

Thoughnow but twenty-two years old (lacking some months, which are years in such alife), he had already been, first, a country schoolmaster; next, a salesman ina country store; and, either at the same time or afterwards, the politicaleditor of a country newspaper. He had subsequently travelled New England andthe Middle States, as a peddler, in the employment of a Connecticut manufactoryof cologne-water and other essences. In an episodical way he had studied andpractised dentistry, and with very flattering success, especially in many ofthe factory-towns along our inland streams. As a supernumerary official, ofsome kind or other, aboard a packet-ship, he had visited Europe, and foundmeans, before his return, to see Italy, and part of France and Germany.

It was notpity that restrained him, for, at the first sound of the enfeebled voice, a redfire kindled in his eyes, and he made a quick pace forward, with somethinginexpressibly fierce and grim darkening forth, as it were, out of the wholeman. After such arevelation, let him smile with what sultriness he would, he could much soonerturn grapes purple, or pumpkins yellow, than melt the iron-branded impressionout of the beholder’s memory. And it rendered his aspect not the less,but more frightful, that it seemed not to express wrath or hatred, but acertain hot fellness of purpose, which annihilated everything but itself.

The Arched Window

A plain, but handsome, dark-green barouche had now drawn up in front of theruinous portal of the old mansion-house. The party came forth, and (with theexception of good Uncle Venner, who was to follow in a few days) proceeded totake their places. They were chatting and laughing very pleasantly together;and—as proves to be often the case, at moments when we ought to palpitatewith sensibility—Clifford and Hepzibah bade a final farewell to the abodeof their forefathers, with hardly more emotion than if they had made it theirarrangement to return thither at tea-time. The men wheeled about, accordingly, and retraced their steps up the street. TheItalian, also, made the best of his way off, with a parting glance up at thearched window. As for the children, they took to their heels, with one accord,and scampered as if some giant or ogre were in pursuit, until, at a gooddistance from the house, they stopped as suddenly and simultaneously as theyhad set out.

A few years later, a kitchen lean-to and a new north kitchen ell to the rear of the house were added. By 1676, Turner had added a spacious south (front) extension with its own chimney, containing a parlor on the ground floor, with a large bed chamber above it. Ceilings in this new wing are higher than the very low ceilings in older parts of the house. The new wing featured double casement windows and an overhang with carved pendants; it was capped with a three-gabled garret. Immigrants and refugees have historically contributed to the vast and varied collective of American performing arts, bringing vibrant talent and traditions from their native homelands to make the United States the cornucopia of cultural heritage that it is today, the association said in a prepared statement.

Once summoned, the Maule spirits prevent the spirit of Colonel Pyncheon from telling where the deed is hidden. Matthew Maule (the younger) tells Gervayse that the secret must be kept until the deed is worthless and awakes Alice. Alice remains under his spell, however, and at any time, he can simply command her to laugh, be sad, or dance, and she does his bidding.


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